Create a new account
To register an account with Communify, please fill out the form below.
After completing your registration, an email will be sent to the Communify administrator for approval. Please note that this process may take up to two business days. If you need to make a booking within the next 48 hours, please contact our office directly. Once your registration is approved, you will be able to make your bookings.
If you belong to a company, please ensure that you link your registration to that company. Otherwise, all bookings will be under your personal name, and you will not be able book on behalf of the company.
New accounts will be set up with credit card payment by default, and payment will be required at the time of booking. For ongoing or long-term bookings with Communify, you can apply to switch to direct debit using Ezidebit. Please refer to Ezidebit's website for details on their fees and terms and conditions.
Please note that there is a one-time $25 administration fee applies, which includes the creation of your swipe card.
Public liability insurance is mandatory for hiring our halls. Please ensure you have your insurance certificate ready to upload below.